High rates of 7 or 8 per cent are not obtainable in India all the year round. The case is worse, because at most periods of great commercial excitement there is some mixture of the older and simpler kind of investing mania. Brunyate, who remarks on its appropriateness to present conditions. All the present directors,… Poursuivre la lecture Payments out of the bankers’ balances, therefore, correspond with payments in
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But this idea has no present relation to the constitution of the bank of england
In one respect, however, I admit that I am about to take perhaps an unfair advantage. But in modern bill-broking the credit of the bill-broker is a vital element. But, in my judgment, the Act of 1844 is only a subordinate matter in the Money Market; what has to be said on it has been… Poursuivre la lecture But this idea has no present relation to the constitution of the bank of england
From its very short period point of view the city is sometimes cross when this indian
The season of 1907–8 was a failure, and at the end of 1907 came the crisis in America. Unless the Bank of England lend, no stock will be bought. Let us suppose that exchange between London and Calcutta were fixed at 1s. The result of these banks, as regards the dividends they pay, is– No.… Poursuivre la lecture From its very short period point of view the city is sometimes cross when this indian
The plans of the government ought, therefore, to be laid accordingly
But when towards the end of their busy season the Egyptian banks find themselves with more gold than they need, Council Bills must be sold at a relatively low rate if the flow of this gold to India is to be prevented. │1905. But when they are sold in larger quantities, to obviate the necessity… Poursuivre la lecture The plans of the government ought, therefore, to be laid accordingly